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Case study: Thieme RECOM Wound App

The Thieme RECOM Wound app enables the mobile capture of wound images and the simultaneous assignment of the images to a selected patient file in Thieme RECOM-GRIPS. The photos taken using a smartphone or tablet are automatically assigned to selected patients via a QR code. All wound images, including descriptions and dimensions, can be viewed over time. Thieme RECOM sees itself as a partner for high-quality and innovative digital products and services in the healthcare sector. We have accompanied the wound app team part of the way in the following areas:

  • Migration from Xamarin.Android to .NET MAUI
  • Training the team on .NET MAUI

The challenge

With the discontinuation of Xamarin for newer .NET framework versions by Microsoft, the RECOM team was faced with the challenge of modernizing the existing Wund app and making the app, which was previously only available for Android, available to iOS users. For existing users, the changeover was to take place without any migration effort or loss of functionality.

Our mission was to migrate the existing Wound-app, which was running on an outdated Xamarin.Android codebase, to the .NET MAUI platform in the shortest possible time. The main focus was on maintaining the existing functionality so that the migrated version of the app could be delivered to customers as an update. A large number of third-party libraries had to be overcome, some of which were no longer actively maintained. The outdated project structure not only made the migration more difficult, but also prevented smooth compilation with the latest development tools.

Wunde Darstellung in der Thieme RECOM Wund-App
State of development 2023

Solution Approach

In order to meet the requirements, we decided to fundamentally modernize the application and rely entirely on the .NET MAUI platform. Previous MVVMCross-ViewModels were migrated to .NET MAUI and the interfaces were transferred to XAML. In doing so, we took care to replicate the graphical user interface as closely as possible to the original. We also integrated essential services, including the ability to take photos of wounds, exchange data with the server, read QR codes to decrypt received data and more.


In three weeks, we were able to successfully migrate and modernize the old Android app. With .NET MAUI, we are providing the Thieme RECOM team with a future-proof basis for further developing the wound app and, in particular, further modernizing the user interface.

Knowledge Transfer

Alongside the migration, we provided the RECOM team with comprehensive training to share their knowledge of the .NET MAUI platform. This ensured that the team could effectively utilize the newly created infrastructure and architecture, not only for Android devices, but also for integration and deployment on iOS and Apple devices.

The successful migration and associated modernization, including cross-platform availability, demonstrates not only our technical expertise, but also our ability to overcome complex application modernization challenges and make the application accessible to a wider range of users.

Wunde Darstellung in der Thieme RECOM Wund-App
State of development 2023
Klaus Seidl, Director Software Development bei Thieme-Recom

The .NET MAUI development with Cayas Software has provided our team with all the necessary aspects of app development to get started in this area.

Klaus Seidl, Director Software Development at Thieme-Recom
Andreas Gohl, Geschäftsleitung/Prokurist

The impression Cayas made on us was very professional. From the first contact to the handover of the finished product, we felt well looked after throughout. We will definitely stay in touch.

Andreas Gohl, Management/ Authorized Representative
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