Xamarin Evolve Event 2013

Vom 14. bis zum 17.04. haben sich in Austin, Texas ca. 600 Interessenten, Kunden und Partner zum Xamarin Evolve Event 2013 getroffen. Hinter ihnen liegen 2 Tage Intensivtrainings, 2 Tage Konferenzvorträge, Wissensaustausch und jede Menge neue Kontakte.

Sebastian Seidel
Sebastian Seidel

Als Mobile-Enthusiast und Geschäftsführer der Cayas Software GmbH ist es mir ein großes Anliegen, mein Team und unsere Kunden zu unterstützen, neue potenziale zu entdecken und gemeinsam zu wachsen. Hier schreibe ich vor allem zur Entwicklung von Android und iOS-Apps mit Xamarin und .NET MAUI.

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8 Steps That Make a Difference in Software Development Outsourcing

Driven by a shortage of skilled labor, IT outsourcing is becoming more and more interesting for companies. We have previously shown why integrating external experts into your organization is almost inevitable in the future. By following 8 simple steps, you'll be one of the winners when working with a software development company.

7 steps to migrate from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI
7 steps to migrate from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI

With the end of support for Xamarin approaching in May 2024, developers are busy migrating existing Xamarin.Forms projects to .NET MAUI as its successor. So are we, of course. In this article, I'll show 7 steps we've always had to take during the transition to make your upgrade .NET MAUI easier.

Expert-as-a-Service The Future of On-Demand Expertise
Expert-as-a-Service The Future of On-Demand Expertise

In today's fast-paced business world, staying ahead of the competition requires access to specialized expertise. However, hiring full-time experts can be costly and time-consuming, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or startups. This is where the concept of "Expert as a Service" (EaaS) comes into play, providing businesses with on-demand access to industry-leading experts. In this article, we will explore the rise of EaaS, its benefits, and how it is shaping the future of on-demand expertise.